Reserve Deputies
Part Time Deputy… Full Time Hero – Our Reserves Do It All!
The Tehama County Sheriff’s Department Reserve Deputy Program consists of for (5) trained Reserve Deputies. These Deputies serve at the discretion of the Sheriff and receive their direction and assignments from him through his designee, the Operations Division Lieutenant.
These Reserve Deputies have all completed a minimum number of State mandated training which allows them to exercise peace officer powers while on duty.
Reserve Deputies must undergo a rigorous selection process prior to being sworn in which includes a thorough background check, Voice Stress Analysis test, psychological evaluation, and medical examination.
Reserve Deputies volunteer their time each month to assist both sworn and non-sworn personnel in a variety of duties in the department including Patrol, Jail, Dispatch, Civil, Boating and Mounted Patrol enforcement.
Reserve Deputies meet and train several times each year in a variety of subjects. The Reserve Deputies of the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office volunteer hundreds of hours every year to their community and are a valuable asset to the Department.
Would you like to be a Tehama County Sheriff’s Office Reserve Deputy? Email us for more information or call 530-529-7940.